Thursday, May 26, 2011

Storms Ahead {Personal Post}

If you have been anywhere near a TV or a Radio in the past couple of months you have heard about the terrible destruction being caused by tornadoes this year. Needless to say that this has kept everyone on tinder-hooks every time a storm appears. Well I am not afraid to say that I am terrified by bad weather, I hate it, End of story. Well last night there was a set of severe thunder storms just south of us, but all we got was this amazing spectacular lightning storm. It was in one word, breathtaking, I could not , would not walk away from it! Luckily I happened to have my camera with me and it wasn't at the office, so what did I do? I of course photographed it!  It was so amazing to be able to look to the south and see this symphony of light playing, and look to the north and see a clear sky full of stars. I was completely entranced by the beauty and amazingness of it all. It is truly one of God's gift to be able to witness something like that. I could not wait to share the images with you, so here they are!

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