Monday, March 28, 2011

Paden Wayne Gerhart is 6months old!

I can't believe that it has been 6 months since my adorable little nephew was born! He is one of the lights of my life! I love photographing him every chance I get! and luckily this month I get to do that a lot! For the past 21 years of my life I have been forced to take bluebonnet pictures! As this is a tradition in Texas- well what's the great thing about being an aunt, and a photographer? I get to force this tradition off on the younger generations! It's sad the way the circle of life works, but hey that's how it works! So here are Paden's 6 mo. pictures! We are taking his bluebonnet pictures this week! so stay tuned! 
P.S. when babysitting a 6mo. old and all else fails to stop the screaming- plug in Finding Nemo- it works every time-

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